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  • Please advise the technician before your appointment, if any of your health conditions have changed which could affect you being tattooed.

  • Please advise the technician before your appointment, if you are currently suffering from any skin conditions that are on the contraindications list, so suitable adjustments or rescheduling can be made.

  • Active skin care ingredients (skin/blood thinners) such as Retinol/Vitamin A/Glycolic acid – You will need to discontinue the use of any Retinol/Vitamin-A/Glycolic acids in the area of the tattoo for at least one month prior to your cosmetic tattooing 

  • Latisse/EyEnvy (or any growth serum being used on your eyebrows) - You will need to discontinue use of any growth serums 1 month before your tattoo session and cannot resume till 2 months after the procedure.

  • Cold Sores - If you are prone to cold sores in the area being tattooed, you MUST take the necessary antiviral medication which can be obtained by your Doctor/GP (for at least 2 days prior to and 2 days after your cosmetic treatment) ensuring you don’t have an outbreak risking infection and compromising your results. If you have an active cold sore in the area being tattooed, you will need to wait at least 3 weeks after it has healed. If you have a cold sore on a separate part of your face than is being tattooed, you will need to keep it covered with “Compeed patches” or something similar to prevent spreading/infection.

  • For 72 hours before your appointment avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, fish oil tablets, glucosamine, evening primrose oil, ginger, and any other blood thinning medications/supplements. These can cause excess bleeding which can prevent the pigment from implanting correctly affecting the final result of your tattoo.

  • Botox or injectables will need to be done 4 weeks prior or 2 + weeks after your appointment - making sure to advise the technician to avoid touching your brows and disrupting the healing process. You should aim to have your tattoo done before any injectables while your face still has natural movement.

  • Discomfort may increase around your menstrual cycle.

  • Do not tint your brows within two months (before or after) of your eyebrow tattoo appointment.

  • Do not have eyebrow lamination done within 2 months (before or after) of your eyebrow tattoo appointment.

  • Do not wax your eyebrows within 3 days before (or 2 months after) of your eyebrow tattoo appointment.

  • No IPL, Electrolysis, Laser Hair Removal, Facials, Microdermabrasion, Skin Needling, Fibroblast, Peels with acids within 2 weeks before your appointment (or 2 months after on/near tattooed area).

  • Do not apply fake tan in the area to be tattooed for 2 weeks prior and 2 months after your eyebrow tattoo appointment.

  • Do not consume alcohol within 24 hours before your appointment.

  • Do not consume caffeine or any other stimulant on the day of/ before your appointment.

  • Make sure to have something to eat before your appointment as the appointment can take a few hours.

  • As you won’t be able to wet your eyebrows during the healing stage, we suggest you wash your hair before your appointment.

  • Do not apply any numbing cream to the area before your appointment (this will be taken care of during your appointment).

  • Only the artist and the client being tattooed can be in the appointment room during the procedure, so please come to your appointment alone unless you are physically unable to.


**On the day of your appointment, it is advised you wear your eyebrow makeup as you would normally fill it in (with pencil or powder), so I can see how you normally like to wear your brows.**





Please read and follow instructions carefully. Your aftercare is extremely important for the best outcome/results of your new tattoo. Any necessary adjustments will be made at your touch up appointment.


***When using aftercare ointment, you are to apply only one RICE GRAIN AMOUNT - (for both eyebrows - not one each brow) ***



  • 1 hour after the procedure, (with clean hands) using a clean cool damp paper towel gently dab eyebrows - in direction of hair growth 

  • Gently pat brows dry with a clean paper towel 

  • Ensure brows are completely dry by allowing a few minutes to air dry

  • Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm provided (remember: one rice grain amount for both brows, not one rice grain each brow) 

  • Just before bed (with clean hands) gently wash eyebrows (with brow soap provided) in direction of hair growth

  • Gently pat brows dry with a clean paper towel 

  • Ensure brows are completely dry by allowing a few minutes to air dry

  • Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm provided (remember: one rice grain amount for both brows, not one rice grain each brow) 

DAY 2 - 14

  • With clean hands gently wash eyebrows (with brow soap provided) in direction of hair growth, morning, and night for 10 days (outside of the shower) with cool water (soap must be rinsed off brows with cool water)

  • Gently pat brows dry with a clean paper towel 

  • Ensure brows are completely dry by allowing a few minutes to air dry

  • Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm provided (remember: one rice grain amount for both brows, not one rice grain each brow) 

  • Repeat process one more time before bed


DAY 14 +

  • Apply aftercare ointment only if/when necessary, being very careful not to disrupt the healing process



  • Don’t touch, scratch, pick or rub the tattoo (if itchy tap the area around the tattoo to help relieve discomfort)

  • Make sure to put a clean pillowcase on your pillow and sleep on your back

  • Avoid any situation where your brows could get dirty

  • Avoid Botox/filler in brow area for 2 weeks

  • Avoid sun exposure/tanning.

  • Do not use Gladwrap on your brows after they have been tattooed, if you need to cover them while in the shower use a disposable face shield which can be purchased at most pharmacies



  • No water on the tattoo (avoid getting brows wet other than the morning/night washing)

  • No soap, cleansers, swimming, sun, saunas, makeup, or excessive sweating

  • No makeup or any other cosmetic products anywhere near the tattooed area

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Inked Beauty Melbourne.

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